Earn Money From BUXPROPLUS


  1. In order to become a member of BUXPROPLUS you have to be 18+ years old.
  2. Every member is responsible for the security of his account. Only the owner of the account knows the password. The account's email address should only be available to the owner of the account. We do not bear any responsibility for a hacked account that has been hacked because of the owner's lack of caution. A new password can be generated if the old one has been lost.
  3. One user can only have one account. It also applies to the payment accounts. Any attempt to open more than one account will reflect in banning every account which belongs to the same person. Only one account can be created form one IP address and one computer.
  4. It is not permitted to use a shared internet connection or shared computers (e.g. internet cafes, schools, work) or to use any software that hides the true identity of the user (e.g. proxy, VPN, ToR browse, Opera Proxy etc.)
  5. During the registration process, each user is required to provide real date of birth. This date may be checked when commissioning the payment within the site; also BUXPROPLUS administration has the right to ask for evidence confirming the date of birth.
  6. All data provided during the registration process or later in the account settings must be correct.
  7. The user e-mail address stated during the registration should be active for the whole period of the membership. If the e-mail address is no longer active, website administrator reserves the right to suspend the user account without the right to reinstate.
  8. The user data is stored in an encrypted database. The data is not and will not be accessible or sold to third parties.
  9. User accounts belong only to the person who created them. Accounts cannot be passed on or sold to another person.
  10. Users using false information during registration will be suspended.
  11. To use the website one should own a computer. The website owner is not responsible for the malfunction of the page on mobile devices.

  1. Any attempt of breaching the page code, hacking will be noted and the user account will be deleted.
  2. It is forbidden to use any software designed for automatic ads viewing or filling out offers.
  3. We reserve the right to disclose violations referred to in the above 2 points. Each account will be checked for any irregularities before the payment.
  4. Each user should own an account where money is transferred.

  1. Payments are transferred to users’ PayPal, Perfectmoney and Bitcoin. We do not expect to increase the number of available payment systems. If the user did not make any contributions to the system, wages payment can be contracted on a voluntary payment system. If the user made a contribution to the system with only one payment processor, payment can be contracted only to the system from which user made purchase on the site. If the user made a contribution to the system with more than one payment processor, payment without limitation can be contracted to the system from which most of the payments had been made. Otherwise payment amount cannot be bigger than contribution done with the other payment system.
  2. All payments will be made instantly upon request or within 24 hours after being requested if the payment processor services are down.
  3. The user can only order one payment at the same time.
  4. The user is responsible for providing correct account numbers or e-mail addresses of payment systems. If the information provided is incorrect, the service does not return the payment which was awarded to the wrong account number.
  5. After submitting the order of payment, the user is obliged to wait for a specified number of days to order next payment as stated in terms of membership.
  6. The payment made by the website must be accepted by the user within 30 days. All not accepted payments will be deleted.
  7. All attempts of returning the payment will be ignored and the funds will not be added back to the user account.

  1. The website accepts payments made only through the mechanisms available on the site. Any attempts of sending payments directly to the website account will be ignored.
  2. All payments are non-refundable.
  3. All attempts of retrieving the money will reflect in the immediate suspension of the account.


  1. • User's account will be temporarily suspended after 30 days of not logging in and permanently suspended after 60 days of inactivity.
  2. • All suspended accounts will be reset – earnings, subaccounts and recommendations will be deleted.
  3. • All suspended accounts are archived. The users will not be able to create a new account with the same IP or e-mail address.
  4. • The website reserves the right to not delete accounts even if they are active or suspended.

  1. All advertisements must be approved by the administrator before being available to users.
  2. We accept all websites except those breaking the frame, with viruses and suspicious code, pornography or illegal content, advertising multilevel marketing, offering selling of drugs, weapons, inciting to hatred and violence.
  3. The administration reserves the right to refuse advertising of the website without giving a reason.
  4. Advertised website must be prepared for the increased website traffic.
  5. As a member you are able to view each advertisement once every 24 hours.
  6. Ads from Section Paid to Click and UseGrid refreshed at midnight (server time) which is visible on the ads subpage.


  1. BuxProPLUS.com is not responsible for any delays or errors that are not related to the website or that are beyond the website's owner control.
  2. BuxProPLUS.com reserves the right to modify the above mentioned Terms ans Conditions of membership, prices on the website without prior notice.
  3. BuxProPLUS.com is not responsible for the members' tax return. We are not sharing any members' tax information. Every member is solely responsible for the tax return of the income generated by the website, according to the tax law of the country, the member lives in.

Real Time Economic Calendar provided by Investing.com.

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